Line In The Sand Blog


The New Evolution of Approaching Addiction

addiction compulsive behaviours evolution healing root cause treatment Apr 14, 2023

Ever thought to yourself…

“Why do I KEEP repetitively returning to the thing I don’t want to?”

“Why me?”
“Why can’t I stop?”

You’re not alone, we thought these same things for years.

“Why am I stuck in this hamster wheel and others around me are not?“

Some people will lead you to believe that you have some sort of moral failing, that you’re just weak, some will tell you you have a disease from which there is no known cure.

We’re here to tell you it’s none of the above.

We want to show you that you are not flawed in any way, and that you can free yourself from the grip you’re in.

There’s a really easy and pretty damn logical way to understand addiction that no one really seems to talk about, but every time we do, we hear back “this just makes so much sense!”

Want to know what it is?

Join the creators of Line In The Sand, Drew, Matt and Ryan as they help to debunk the old models of addiction treatment and why they created the world's first holistic approach to addressing all addictions, coping mechanisms, vices, and your looping patterns and thinking AT THE ROOT.

They will be covering all things addiction and compulsive behaviours, from:
- What happens when we look at addiction through the lens of “why rather than slapping bandaids on the “what”.
- The secret to real sustainable and lasting freedom from your own chosen coping mechanism.

Want to check out the Line In The Sand 12 Week Online Program?

In this free class you’ll be hearing from 3 people that have BEEN THERE.
All with lived experience in addiction and now being practitioners in the space for many years.

This will be an open, honest & vulnerable discussion. We hope you take value from the class.